Irregular Heartbeat Detector
An irregular heartbeat is detected when a heartbeat rhythm varies while the unit is measuring
the systolic and diastolic blood pressure. During each measurement, the monitor records all
the pulse intervals and calculates the average: If there are two or more pulse intervals, the
difference between each interval and the average is more than the average value of ±25%, or
there are four or more pulse intervals, the difference between each interval and the average is
more than the average value of ±15%, the irregular heartbeat symbol appears on the display
when the measurement results appear.
The appearance of the IHB icon indicates that a pulse irregularity consistent
with an irregular heartbeat was detected during measurement. Usually this is NOT
a cause for concern. However, if the symbol appears often, we recommend you seek
medical advice. Please note that the device does not replace a cardiac examination,
but serves to detect pulse irregularities at an early stage.