Rev. 0.2
Using the Module
Two watchdogs are integrated in the Vortex86DX and one in the SMC (managed by the LEMT).
The Vortex86DX watchdogs can be configured in the BIOS or by programming the watchdog registers.
The SMC watchdog activation is caused by under voltage protection. The watchdog LED gets flashed after restart,
but only if the power supply had stood over 4.2 Volt.
LEMT functions
The onboard Microcontroller implements power sequencing and LEMT (LiPPERT Enhanced Management
Technology) functionality. The microcontroller communicates via the System Management Bus with the
CPU/Chipset. The following functions are implemented:
Total operating hours counter
Counts the number of hours the module has been run in minutes.
On-time minutes counter
Counts the seconds since last system start.
Power cycles counter
Watchdog Timer
Set / Reset / Disable Watchdog Timer.
System Restart Cause
Power loss / Watchdog / External Reset.
Flash area
1kB Flash area for customer data
Protected Flash area
128 Bytes for Keys, ID's, etc. can stored in a write- and clear-protect able area.
Board Identify
Vendor / Board / Serial number
Vortex86DX startup frequency control
FPGA Boot Mode (JTAG, SPI)
FPGA Suspend control
GPS Reset control
LEMT Tools are available for Windows and Linux, LEMT functionality can also be used in applications. Please
ask our support for the LEMT software manual and technical manual regarding more details on functionality and
how to use it.