Table of Contents
To define a MAC-based VLAN group:
1 Assign a MAC address to a VLAN group ID (using the MAC-Based
Groups page)
2 For each required interface:
a Assign the VLAN group to a VLAN (using the Mac-Based VLAN
page) The interfaces must be in General mode
b If the interface does not belong to the VLAN, manually assign it to
the VLAN using the VLAN Membership page
MAC-based VLAN
See Table 1 for a description of the availability of this feature
To assign a MAC address to a VLAN Group:
STEP 1 Click Configuration > VLAN Management > VLAN Groups > MAC-
Based Group
STEP 2 Click Add
STEP 3 Enter the values for the following fields:
Group ID—Enter a user-created VLAN group ID number
MAC Address—Enter a MAC address to be assigned to a VLAN group
This MAC address cannot be assigned to any other VLAN
Prefix Mask—Enter one of the following:
Host—Source host of the MAC address
Length—Prefix of the MAC address
STEP 4 Click Apply The MAC address is assigned to a VLAN group
MAC-based VLAN Per Interface
See Table 1 for a description of the availability of this feature
Ports/LAGs must be in General mode
To assign a MAC-based VLAN group to a VLAN on an interface:
STEP 1 Click Configuration > VLAN Management > LAN Groups > MAC-
Based VLAN
STEP 2 Click Add
STEP 3 Enter the values for the following fields:
Interface—Enter a general interface (port/LAG) through which traffic is
Group ID—Select a VLAN group, defined in the MAC-Based Groups page
VLAN ID—Select the VLAN to which traffic from the VLAN group
is forwarded
STEP 4 Click Apply to set the mapping of the VLAN group to the VLAN This
mapping does not bind the interface dynamically to the VLAN; the
interface must be manually added to the VLAN )
Voice VLAN
In a LAN, voice devices, such as IP phones, VoIP endpoints, and voice systems
are placed into the same VLAN This VLAN is referred as the voice VLAN If the
voice devices are in different voice VLANs, IP (Layer 3) routers are needed to
provide communication
This section covers the following topics:
Auto Voice VLAN
Voice VLAN QoS
Voice VLAN Constraints
Voice VLAN Workflows
Auto Voice VLAN
The device supports the Telephony OUI (Organization Unique Identifier) voice
VLAN mode The two modes affect how voice VLAN and/or voice VLAN port
memberships are configured
In Telephony OUI mode, the voice VLAN must be a manually-configured VLAN,
and cannot be the default VLAN
When the device is in Telephony OUI mode and a port is manually configured
as a candidate to join the voice VLAN, the device dynamically adds the port
to the voice VLAN if it receives a packet with a source MAC address matching
one of the configured telephony OUIs An OUI is the first three bytes of an