Owner’s Manual
Hydraulic pump 609-29232-1 Single-line with 165-l container
Subject to changes
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LINCOLN GmbH Postfach 1263 D-69183 Walldorf Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Table of Contents
Safety Instructions .......................................... 1
Proper Use...................................................... 2
Structure ......................................................... 3
Mode of Operation .......................................... 4
Technical Data ................................................ 5
Electrical Equipment ....................................... 5
Erection and Assembly ................................... 5
Operation Instructions..................................... 5
Commissioning ............................................... 5
Settings ........................................................... 6
Maintenance and Repair................................. 7
Troubleshooting .............................................. 7
Mount the oscillating cyl. to the pump tube..... 8
Repair of the Pump Tube................................ 9
Spare Parts for Hydraulic Pump...................... 10
Sealing kit on the oszillating cylinder .............. 11
Spare Parts Drawing Pump Tube ................... 13
Spare Parts List Pump Tube........................... 14
Preface to the Owner's Manual
The Owner's Manual
Manual is intended to familiarize the user with the
pump/lubrication system and to enable him to use it
must always be available on the site where the
pump/lubrication system is in operation.
must be read and used by all persons who are charged
with work with the pump/lubrication system, e.g.
, including adjustment, troubleshooting during
operation, elimination of production waste, maintenance,
disposal of process materials
(inspection, repairs)
Persons who
do not have a good command of the English
must be informed by the user of he
pump/lubrication system on the
contents of the Owner's
Manual, particularly the Safety Instructions, before they
carry out the work.
The Operating Instructions
contain important information for the safe, correct and
economic operation of the pump/lubrication system.
will help avoid hazards.
reduce repair costs and downtime.
increase the reliability and prolong the service life of the
pump/lubrication system.
must be supplemented by the respective national
regulations concerning the prevention of accidents and
protection of the environment.
Safety Instructions
The Operating Instructions include general instructions
which must be followed when a pump/lubricating unit is
installed, operated or serviced. Therefore, it is absolutely
necessary for the fitter and the specialist/user to read the
Operating Instructions before a unit is installed and
commissioned. The Operating Instructions must always
be available on the site where the machine/system is
All general safety instructions contained in this main
chapter on safety must be observed as well as all special
safety instructions given in other main chapters.
Hazard marking in the Operating Instructions
Safety symbol acc. to DIN 4844-W9
The notes referring to safety contained in the Operating
Instructions whose failure to observe them may result in
personal injury are marked by the symbol above.
Safety symbol acc. to DIN 4844-W9
This symbol warns of an electrical current
If ignoring the safety note might result in machine
damages and malfunction, the word
is added.
Warnings directly fixed to the machine must always be
observed and must be kept in completely legible
Staff Qualification and Training
The staff responsible for operation, maintenance,
inspection and installation must be adequately qualified
for these jobs.
The user must properly regulate the field of responsibility
and supervision of the personnel.
If the personnel is not in command f the necessary
expertise, they must receive the appropriate training and
instructions. If necessary, this can be done by the
manufacturer/supplier on behalf of the machine user
Furthermore, the user must ensure, that the contents of
the Operating Instructions are fully understood by the