4-20mA corre-
sponds to one
of alarm val-
One or more controlled pa-
rameters of transmitter are
beyond the permissible val-
Connect to transmitter through PC
or Bluetooth. Check whether alarm
signal value matches its mask (para.
- transmitter temperature is
beyond the range
Remove overheat cause, insulate
level transmitter from increased
temperature process by means of ra-
dio-transparent shield (see 12.5), use
transmitter forced-air cooling, install
sun shield.
- lack of transmitter perpen-
dicularity (for application
with liquid products)
Correct by device leveling.
- unreliable temperature or
tilt angle measurement
Related channels in the device elec-
tronic module are faulty. Further op-
eration is allowed subject to over-
heat prevention. Otherwise, return
device for repair.
- unstable readings due to
product surface disturbance,
unstable surface.
Indicative parameter, further opera-
tion is allowed.
- transient conditions – there
is no stable reflecting prod-
uct surface, or transmitter is
at the initialization stage
Transmitter in initial switching-on
mode; device will exit this mode in
1-2 minutes after the switching on.
Otherwise, record spectrum (see pa-
ra. 7.3.), send it to the technical sup-
port address.
- measuring device mal-
function – level transmitter
electronic unit failure
Return device for repair.