- Stop temp. : cut-off temperature. Stop temp. is valid when FCU is installed.
- FCU : determines if FCU is installed or not.
- Example : If FCU is set as ’Use’, Stop temp. setting is disabled. However, if actually FCU is NOT
installed in the water loop, the unit operates continuously in cooling mode until water
temperature meets desired temperature. In this case, a condensed water may form on the floor
caused by cold water in the underfloor coil.
- Example : If Stop temp. is set as ‘20’ and FCU is set as ’Not use’ and actually FCU is installed in
the water loop, then the Stop temp. is used and the unit stops operation in cooling mode when
the leaving water temperature is below 20 °C. As a result, the unit may not offer enough cooling
since the cold water with desired temperature doesn’t flow into the FCU.
FCU Installation
• If FCU is used, related 2way valve should be installed and connected to the Main PCB
assembly 1.
• If FCU is set as ‘Use’ whereas FCU or 2way valve is NOT installed, the unit can do
abnormal operation.