• Voice Recognition Tips
• Be sure to articulate each sound in the word. The voice recognition system can
have trouble recognizing a word when final consonants are not pronounced. It
may be helpful to emphasize the final consonant.
• Avoid "clipping" short words and syllables. Instead, try lengthening the short
words and syllables, and slow down your overall speech rate. Try lengthening
different syllables of the word.
• Try speaking louder. When there is a lot of background noise, the system has
more trouble hearing your speech. If, however, you find that you are speaking
so loudly that you are straining your voice, speak a little more quietly but with
clearer pronunciation.
• The system may recognize your commands better if you try a different pitch.
Try using a higher or lower pitch, You can also try speaking faster or slower, or
try varying the volume of your voice—speaking louder or softer.
4.9 Maintaining your Personal Calling Account and Purchasing
To use Personal Calling, all you need is a package of calling minutes. Your Lexus
Link system keeps track of your minutes. You can purchase packages of minutes
from OEM Telematics Services simply by contacting a Lexus Link Advisor.
Minutes are easily billed to a credit card that you can choose to keep on file with
the Lexus Link service provider to expedite future purchases of Personal Calling
minutes. Your credit card information is secure, protected, and used only for
replenishment of minutes or other services that you approve.
• How To Verify Remaining Units/Minutes
When you make or receive personal calls or use Advanced Services you use
minutes. The Lexus Link system calls them "Units." Your Lexus Link system will
notify you when you have 10 or fewer calling minutes remaining. This will occur at
the beginning of a call or in the middle of a call, and will tell you "You Have Less
Than 10 Units Remaining." You can check how many minutes you have remaining
by following these steps:
(continued on next page)
See section 5.2d – Personal Calling Limitations
Personal Calling