4.7 Common voice commands
(continued )
• "Advanced Services"– to access traffic, weather and stock quotes
(see section 4.12)
• “Digit Dial"– to dial phone one digit at a time.
• "Digit Store”– to store numbers one digit at a time.
• “Delete Nametag”– to delete a stored Nametag.
• "Cancel"– If you spoke a command and the system misheard you, this
command takes you from the current function back to the "Lexus Link Ready"
prompt. If the last response from the system was "Lexus Link Ready",’ when
you give the "Cancel" command you will exit Personal Calling.
• "Security Code"– to turn your personal calling security code Off/On.
• "Advisor Playback"– to replay Advisor directions that you recorded.
Remember whenever you dial a call or call Advanced Services you are using
minutes. The commands "My Number," "Store," "Help," "Directory," "Units," “Advisor
Playback” and “Delete Nametag” do not use minutes. These are commands between
you and your Lexus Link
4.8 Voice command recognition
The Lexus Link system uses technology that’s designed to understand a wide range
of speakers of American English. But the technology may not work equally well
across all regional and ethnic accents under all noise conditions. For this reason,
the Lexus Link voice recognition system may not recognize all commands from all
voices. Of course, there’s no one "right" way to speak English. The system works
best when users try to modify their pronunciation in response to system errors.
Tips found in this guide are designed to help users who may be experiencing
difficulty with the system.
• Voice Command Error Messages
When dialing phone numbers, this usually means the system did not hear you say a
7-, 10-, or 11-digit number. Just try again. Or the system has not been able to match
your command with a word that it knows. Repeating the command as clearly as you
can should fix the problem. After the third time this happens, the system will try to
guess the command you are requesting. If correct, say "Yes." If not, say "No," and the
system will prompt you with its next-best guess.
"Slower, please"
This response normally happens if you say a command before the system is ready to
listen or if there is substantial background noise. Try to wait slightly longer before
speaking and try to minimize background noise.
Personal Calling