NOTE: Sending a MIDI Program Change message (1-128) from a controller will load the correspond-
ing Reflex register. If any MIDI sources are active as patches, moving the appropriate control on the
controller will cause the patched destination parameter to change. If you want to use Dynamic MIDI,
but don’t want Reflex to load new registers when you change programs on your controller, set your
controller so that it doesn’t transmit Program Change messages, or set Reflex MIDI Program Change
to Off. (See Advanced Programming Mode Utility Functions.)
Dynamic MIDI
All Sources are the same in the sense
that each generates an output value in the
range of 0-127. The output value is used to
increase or decrease the setting of a Desti-
nation parameter. Sources differ in the man-
ner in which they generate an output. Some
generate values continuously (they're al-
ways "on"), some generate output based on
the position of a particular slider, pedal, or
wheel on an external MIDI instrument. Some
Sources generate output based on aspects
of physical performance, such as how hard,
loud, or fast you play.
Patching is the ability to assign a control
(Source) to any Reflex parameter (Destina-
tion). This allows you to alter the value of a
parameter by manipulating the control
source. For example, you can use a MIDI
foot pedal as a Source and Output Level as
a Destination. This patch will allow you to
dynamically alter the sound level with the
motion of your foot. You can specify what
position of the pedal corresponds to the initial
setting of the parameter, and you can specify
how much of a change will be produced by a
full sweep of the pedal. You can also specify
which direction of pedal motion (up or down)
corresponds to an increase of the parameter
The Sources available on Reflex are:
Continuous Controllers (0-31, 64-95)
Last Note
Pitch Bend