About the Parameters
Each of the 16 presets in Reflex consists
of a unique combination of parameters. These
fixed parameters determine the type of pre-
set — hall, room, plate, etc. that you will hear
when you turn the REGISTER/PRESET knob.
For each preset, several parameters
have been made available for front panel
control through the DECAY, DELAY and FX
LVL controls.
In Halls and Rooms (1-6), and in the
Plate presets (9-11), DECAY sets the nomi-
nal reverberation decay time for a predeter-
mined room size which is unique to each
In the Inverse and Gate presets (7-8),
DECAY changes both the size and the char-
acter of the program, while DELAY varies the
predelay before the gated effect. (Note that
changing the setting of DECAY in either of
these presets will briefly mute the effect.)
In the Flanger preset (12), DECAY
controls flange resonance. In Chorus (13),
Canyon (14), Multi Taps (15) and Resonator
(16), DECAY controls recirculation.
DELAY generally sets the amount of
predelay (the length of time between the
input of signal and the onset of reverbera-
tion). The range of this control varies with the
type of preset.
In Chorus, Canyon and Multi Taps,
DELAY controls the echo delay. In Flanger,
it controls the depth of the flange effect. In
Resonator, it controls the delay time for the
first of four equally spaced delay taps.
In each preset, FX LVL sets the level of
the effects being added to the signal.
Note that the setting of the MIX control is
very important with several of the presets. In
the Inverse and Gate presets, MIX allows
you to set up anything from a subtle thicken-
ing or enhancement, to a solid wall of reverb.
In the Chorus and Flanger presets, MIX
should be set higher than 50% wet to get rich
chorus and flange effects.
A diagram showing the parameters con-
trolled by DECAY, DELAY and FX LVL in
each preset is shown on the following page.