The BALANCE control precedes ROTATION so that BALANCE can vary the ratio of Mid to
Side and, thus, the width of the output stereo image. Full right BALANCE produces mono. Full
left is pure figure-of-eight.
If the tape has been recorded such that the Side signal has equal sensitivity from the side as the
Mid has from the front, an equal BALANCE setting will yield a microphone array of optimum
stereo separation. For a cardioid M microphone, the resulting array will be two hypercardioids
at an angle of 109°. For an omni M, the equal mix produces back-to-back cardioids.
Note that the 11µs delay compenstation and the de-emphasis controls also precede the
ROTATION control. If the tape was recorded on a recorder such as the PCM-F1, which inserts
a delay in the left channel relative to the right, this control should be activated before decoding.
The resulting output will have the channels synchronized in phase, as required for CD
mastering. It is not necessary to de-emphasize unless a tape with no emphasis is desired.
Note also that the additional controls on the Stereo Adjust program operate after the ROTA-
TION control, so they can be used as intended, without compromising the MS decoding. This
is particularly important for the SPATIAL EQ and individual TREBLE controls.