TDM User Guide
Using TDM
Using Multiple NuVerb Cards
When more than one NuVerb card is installed, Link will appear on the Plug-In below the On
button. This control allows you to gang parameter control across cards.
When Link is pressed, each Plug-In fader will assume control over the faders in corresponding
positions on other linked cards. To use this function effectively , you must be careful to assign
faders to the locations you want linked. For instance, you could assign Mid Rtime to the first
fader on the first card, and Dly Fdbck to the first fader on a second card. When you adjust the
first fader on either insert, reverb time and delay feedback will respond linearly. With the
ability to assign 8-10 parameters to any given fader, two linked faders can give you single fader
control over as many as 20 parameters. This is a very powerful function, but it must be used
with extreme caution, as linking certain parameters can cause excessive feedback and other
undesireable effects.
Remember that when Link is enabled, all parameters on the linked Plug-Ins are affected.
Faders which you do not want linked must be Unused.
When cards are linked, each
parameter will exert group
control over any parameters in
corresponding positions on
other linked cards.