12.1 Host Lookup
The Host Lookup page provides the ability to do some basic network tests. These are as follows:
send an echo request to the specified
Send an echo request to the target address and attempt to locate every router in between the
DAS and that address.
convert the DNS name to an IP address, useful for testing the functionality of the DNS server
configured in the Network/Setup webpage.
To run a network test, enter the IP address or DNS name in the field provided, check the checkbox next to
the test you wish to use, and click the OK button. Multiple tests can be specified.
12.2 Connection Test
The connection test page will attempt to establish an HTTP session with the specified upload server.
Click the “begin test” to start this process. Information will be printed in black. Success responses will be
printed in green, failure messages will be printed in red. A sample upload test follows:
Note: in the last section where SUCCESS is indicated. The failure is due to the password not being correct.