General Information
Where protective film has been applied at manufacturing it must be left on the vehicle until
prepared for delivery but must be removed after a maximum storage period of six months (film
is date stamped to indicate required removal date).
Make sure that the bonnet and all windows and doors are completely closed and the vehicle is
12 volt Battery Storage
Do not use a fast charging function to charge the 12 volt battery. Only use a modern
battery charger with controlled charging voltage.
Do not connect an external battery or battery charger directly to the 12 volt battery.
Only use the 12 volt charging points located in the engine compartment.
Do not connect another vehicle to the 12 volt battery or the 12 volt charging points. It
is not possible to jump start another vehicle from your vehicle. This procedure can
cause a fuse to fail on your vehicle.
If the 12 volt battery and the high voltage battery are discharged, then the two
batteries must be charged. The 12 volt battery must have a minimum state of charge
before the high voltage battery can be charged.
The 12 volt battery should be disconnected, but not removed from the vehicle
To make sure the battery is maintained correctly and to assist in preventing premature failure, it
is necessary to check and recharge the battery monthly while a vehicle is not in use. Where a
12 volt battery is left below its optimum charge level for any length of time, it may result in
premature failure of the battery.
HV Battery Storage
To minimise high voltage battery deterioration during prolonged storage of the vehicle (longer
than one month), a charge level of approximately 80% is recommended, as indicated on the
driver's display.
– If the state of charge is high, run the vehicle until approximately 80% remains.
– If the state of charge is low, charge the high voltage battery until a level of approximately
80% is reached.
While in storage, especially when storing for longer than 6 months, periodically check the
charge level in the driver's display. If the level is below 70%, charge the battery to approximately
80% again.