Table 12.
Humidification Modes
(Humidification only with Heat Demand)
• Activate: If RH measured is <= (RH setpoint -
2%), and, heat is ON, then H is ON, and G is ON
(if not already ON).
In Normal humidification mode, thermostat
should not activate G when used with
Gas/Oil systems
• Deactivate: If RH measured is >= (RH set point +
2%) or Heat is OFF then H is Off. G returns to the
state determined by the thermostat control, either
ON, Auto, or CIRC. (OR) If there is no more heat
demand, then H is Off. G returns to the state
determined by the thermostat control, either ON,
Auto, or CIRC.
The D terminal is active during
(Humidification with or without Heat Demand)
• Activate: IF RH measured is <= (RH set point
- 2%), and unit is in heat mode (regardless of
whether a heating demand exists), then H is ON,
and G is ON (if not already ON).
• Deactivate: IF RH measured is >= (RH set point
+ 2%) or unit is not in Heat mode (O = ON), then
H is Off. G returns to the state determined by the
thermostat control, either ON , Auto, or CIRC.
The D terminal is active during
humidification. Following is the table that
shows status of FAN for different humidity
modes and system outputs.
Normal and Max Dew Point Control
To set the system to Normal Dew Point Control,
select normal and dew point options under settings
humidity option.
To set the system for Max Dew Point Control, select
Dew Point Control
Outdoor air temperature sensor is required
for this feature.
Table 13. Dew Point Control Modes
Normal Dew Point Control mode is useful in colder
climates where moisture can collect on interior
window surfaces. Normal dew point control helps
to minimize this condensation. In this mode the
activation and deactivation of H/D terminal is
controlled as follows.
RH set point= .5*Outdoor Temp + 25 + RH user dew
point adjustment
RH user dew point adjustment is user-selectable and
cannot /-15%, default RH user dew point
adjustment = 0
The RH set point cannot exceed 45%
The minimum RH set point is 15%