Table 6. Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name
Stage Delays
There are four settings for this option:
• Stage Delay Timer: The user shall be able to select ON (default) or OFF for stage delay timers. When
OFF is selected all STG DELAYS timers (STG 2 DELAY, STG 3 DELAY, STG 4 DELAY) are disabled.
This means that the stages are changed based on the temperature and not the timer delays. When ON is
selected all STG DELAYS timers are enabled and set to their default values (20min). If system has only first
stage equipment, this item is hidden from installer screen.
• 2nd Stage Delays: The Stage Delay option is enabled when ON is selected from STG Delay Timers. The
second stage delay is used in the multi-stage model only. The default is 20 minutes. If the first stage fails
to advance the ambient temperature toward the setpoint by 1.0°F during each consecutive programmed
time delay, then the second stage is activated until demand is satisfied. It can be programmed from 5 to
120 minutes in 5-minute steps. If system has only first stage equipment, this item is hidden from installer
• 3rd Stage Delays: The Stage Delay option is enabled when ON is selected from STG Delay Timers. This
setting is used with the multi-stage model, in heat pump applications only. The default is 20 minutes. If
the second stage fails to advance the ambient temperature toward the setpoint by 1.0°F during each
consecutive programmed time delay, then the third stage is activated until demand is satisfied. It can be
programmed from 5 to 120 minutes in 5-minute steps. If the system has no more than three stages, this
item is hidden from the installer screen.
• 4th Stage Delays: The Stage Delay option is enabled when ON is selected from STG Delay Timers. This
setting is used with the multistage model, in heat pump applications only. The default is 20 minutes. If the
third stage fails to advance the ambient temperature toward the set point by 1.0°F during each consecutive
programmed time delay, then the fourth stage is activated until demand is satisfied. It can be programmed
from 5 to 120 minutes in 5-minute increments. If the system does not have a fourth stage, this item is
hidden from installer screen. If temperature is stuck at a value lower than the set point and multiple stages
have been turned on because of the delay timers expired (not because of the temperature), all these stages
shall stay on until the required temperature (set point + 0.5) is reached.
H/C STGS Locked In
The user shall be able to select disable or enable for H/C STGS LOCKED IN mode. In disable, mode different
stages of heat or cool are turned off separately. In enable mode, different stages of heat or cool are turned
off together.