9: Set Encode Profile
Choices: SP (Simple Profile) or ASP (Advanced Simple Profile)
The encoder is capable of using the advanced simple profile (ASP) for MPEG-4 in up
to level 5 or the more basic simple profile (SP) for less complex projects
10: Set Rate Control Mode
Choices: CBR (constant bit rate) or VBR (variable bit rate)
The encoder will operate in two modes to use the bandwidth available. For high quality
with low bandwidth, VBR mode should be used for the most efficient network use. It
will encode, depending on the incoming content, up to the maximum bandwidth
allowed, frequently staying below that limit. For situations where bandwidth is fixed, or
processes will be used externally to the encoder, then CBR mode will give a constant
signal of the maximum allowed bandwidth regardless of the content of the video. CBR
is most useful for Satellite and Microwave use, and VBR for network applications.
11: Set Initial Bitrate
(___________ bps)
Here the choices range from the tiny 64 Kilobytes per second to the 4 megabytes per
second for high quality video. We recommend setting this value to the minimum
acceptable quality required by your network (in case of power loss cycling) and
increasing the bandwidth to a higher quality image with the webpage interface if
desired. Example (2000000)
12: Set Initial Quantize Scale
Choices: A scale of 1 to 15
13: Set Video Preference/Sharpness
Choices: On| Off | Auto
The softness filter is sometimes needed for low bit rates and the sharpness filter is
applied to higher bit rate videos for quality purposes. Auto adjusts this automatically.