9.9 Water level check
Correct position of the water level (on top of the control valve box at ground level) in relation to the
upper surface of the slewing ring must be checked in accordance with the maintenance schedule, or if
there is reason to believe that the position of the water level has changed:
Make sure that the booms are in transport position and put a water level on the slewing ring. Compare
the position of this water level to the position of the water level on the control valve box. If the
positions are different, adjust the water level on the valve box with the adjustment screws so that both
levels are in the same position. Do the adjustment both lengthwise and sideways.
9.10 Hydraulic pressures and adjustments
The hydraulic system has been adjusted to correct values at the factory and usually there is no need
to adjust them. All pressure measurement nipples are located inside the chassis in the hydraulic
pump manifold. Easiest way to access the measurement nipples is to open the bottom plate of the
1. Main pressure measurement nipple
2. 2./4. pump pressure measurement nipple
3. Brake opening pressure measurement nipple
4. Main pressure adjustment
5. 2./4. -pump adjustment
6. Brake opening adjustment
There are 3 pressure levels:
Main pressure
200 bar
2./4. -pump pressure
110 bar
Brake opening pressure
25 bar
Figure 26: Hydraulic pump manifold
Solenoid valves 7 and 8 are located in the hydraulic pump manifold:
Solenoid valve 7 is the safety dump valve for the main pressure.
Solenoid valve 8 is used to dump the 2./4. pump oil flow to tank.