Note: This menu is divided into 8 sections for defining the user alarms UA1…UA8.
P21.n.01 - This defines the digital input or internal variable the activation of which generates the user alarm.
P21.n.02 - Channel number referred to the previous parameter.
P21.n.03 - Free text which will appear in the alarm window.
P21.n.04-P21.n.05-P21.n.06 - This defines whether one or more line breakers must be open when a user alarm occurs.
Example of application: User alarm UA3 must be generated by the closing of the input INP5 and must show the ‘Doors open’
message without opening any breaker.
In the case, set menu section 3 (for alarm UA3):
P21.3.01 = INPx
P21.3.02 = 5
P21.3.03 = ‘Doors open’
P21.3.04, P21.3.05, P21.3.06 = OFF
• When an alarm occurs, an alarm icon will appear on the display together with an ID code and the description of the
alarm in the selected language.
• If the page navigation buttons are pressed, the pop-up window with the alarm indications momentarily disappear and
then reappear after a few seconds.
• The red LED next to the alarm icon on the front panel will blink for as long as an alarm is active. If enabled, the local and
remote acoustic alarms are activated.
• The alarms can be reset by pressing the OFF button.
• If the alarm is not reset, it means that its cause persists..
Alarm properties
Various properties can be assigned to each alarm, including the user alarms (User Alarms, Uax):
• Enabled alarm – General alarm enable. If not enabled, it is as if it does not exist.
• AUT only – The alarm may only be generated when ref. 422684 ATS is in automatic mode.
• Retaining alarm – This remains stored even if its cause was removed.
• Global alarm A – This activates the outputs assigned to this function.
• Global alarm B – This activates the outputs assigned to this function.
• Block QQ1 – controls are no longer sent to breaker Q1 when the alarm occurs.
• Block QQ2 – as above referred to breaker Q2.
• Block QQ3 – as above referred to breaker Q3.
• Siren – Activates the output assigned to this function as configured in the alarms table.
• Inhibit – The alarm may be temporarily deactivated by activating a programmable input with the alarm inhibit function.
• No LCD – The alarm is normally managed but not shown on the display.
2. Operating modes