Three-Sources Management System
tion and user manual
• With its expansion bus, the ref. 422684 be expanded with the additional modules of the EXP…. series.
• Up to three EXP… modules can be installed at the same time.
• The EXP… modules supported by the ref. 422684 are divided into the following categories:
- communication modules
- digital I/O modules
- analog I/O modules
• To add an expansion module:
- remove power from the ref. 422684remove one or more protective covers from the expansion slots.
- insert the upper hook of the module in the specific slot to the left of the expansion slot.
- turn the module rightwards inserting the bus connector.
- press until the specific clip on the lower side of the module couples by snapping.
• Unless otherwise indicated, the insertion order of the modules is free.
• Fit the specific module lock accessory included in the package to improve expansion module fixing safety in applica-
tions subjected to strong vibrations.
• To fit this accessory:
- remove the two right screws with a Torx T7 screwdriver
- position the jumper over the previously coupled modules
- fasten the screws back in their original seat.
• The ref. 422684 automatically recognises the EXP connected to it when it is powered.
• If the system configuration is different from the one last detected (a module was added or removed), the basic unit will
ask the user to confirm the new configuration. If confirmed, the new configuration will be saved and become effective.
Otherwise, the discrepancy will be indicated each time the equipment is powered up.
• The current configuration of the system is shown on the specific display page (expansion modules), indicating the num-
ber, type and state of the connected modules.
• The I/O numbering is listed under each module.
• The I/O and communication channel state (on/off) is shown in negative print.