Installable quantity: 250 pieces (together with Phone Bell)
Phone Bell : call button
Elements: Bell call / double-sided adhesive
Installable quantity: 250 pieces (together with Phone Call)
Handset: Portable digital radio device (transmitter and receiver)
Elements: Handset / Lithium battery / USB adapter
Installable quantity: 99 pieces (together with console)
Console: Digital radio station (transmitter and receiver)
Elements: Console / DC12V adapter / antenna / console holder (foam) /
screws / assembly drawing
Installable quantity: 99 pieces (together with handset)
Monitor: Caller ID (receiver)
Elements: monitor / DC12V adapter / screws / assembly drawing
Installable quantity: 20 pieces
5. Product overview, description of use.
AP (Access Point)
: Data transmission and repeater
Supplied with:
1 AP, 1 adapter AC220V/DC6V, 2 double-sided adhesives for mounting on wall, 2
screws for mounting on wall (alternative), 1 screwdriver .
1. Power connection
2. USB port
3. Antenna
4. DIP switch
5. Mounting device
6. Adapter