HDO6000 High Definition Oscilloscope
For a large class of signals, you can gain greater insight by looking at spectral representation rather than
time description. Signals encountered in the frequency response of amplifiers, oscillator phase noise and
those in mechanical vibration analysis, for example, are easier to observe in the frequency domain.
If sampling is done at a rate fast enough to faithfully approximate the original waveform (usually five
times the highest frequency component in the signal), the resulting discrete data series will uniquely
describe the analog signal. This is of particular value when dealing with transient signals because, unlike
FFT, conventional swept spectrum analyzers cannot handle them.
Because of its versatility, FFT analysis has become a popular analysis tool. However, some care must be
taken with it. In most instances, incorrect positioning of the signal within the display grid will significantly
alter the spectrum, producing effects such as leakage and aliasing that distort the spectrum.
An effective way to reduce these effects is to maximize the acquisition record length. Record length
directly conditions the effective sampling rate of the oscilloscope and therefore determines the frequency
resolution and span at which spectral analysis can be carried out.
Set Up FFT
1. Follow the usual steps to
set up a math function
, selecting
from the
Frequency Analysis
2. Open the
right-hand dialog.
3. Choose to either:
- When the FFT transform size does not match the record length, truncate the record
and perform an FFT on the shorter record. This option increases the resolution bandwidth.
- When the source data for the FFT comes from a math operation that shortens the rec-
ord (as is commonly encountered in filtering operations like ERes), replace the missing data
points wityh data values whose amplitudes are interpolated to fit between the last data point
and the first data point in the record. This guarantees that there is not a first-order discontinuity
in the filled data. Since the data at the end of the record is filled data, it is advisable to select a
weighting window other than rectangular to minimize the effect of the fill on the resulting spec-
4. Check the
Suppress DC
box to make the DC bin go to zero. Otherwise, leave it unchecked.
5. Choose an
Output type
6. Optionally, choose a weighting
. See the section below for more information about FFT
weighting windows.
7. Touch
and choose either:
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