2 Safety
General safety information and warnings
Read this operating manual carefully before use.
Keep the operating manual in a place within easy reach of the interface
This operating manual is part of the interface module. If the interface
module is passed on, the operating manual must be kept with it.
This operating manual is applicable in combination with the operating
manual of the constant temperature equipment in which the interface
module is installed.
Manuals for LAUDA products are available for download on the
LAUDA website: https://www.lauda.de
The warnings and safety instructions in this operating manual must be
observed without fail.
There are also certain requirements for personnel, see
“Personnel qualification” on page 9.
Warning signs
Type of danger
Warning – danger zone.
Signal word
This combination of symbol and
signal word indicates an imminently
dangerous situation that will result
in death or serious injury if it is not
This combination of symbol and
signal word indicates a potentially
dangerous situation that can result
in death or serious injury if it is not
This combination of symbol and
signal word indicates a poten-
tially dangerous situation that can
result in material and environmental
damage if it is not avoided.
Structure of warnings
Interface module LRZ 926
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