While holding the ropes over the mechanism,
run the key switch in the cover position. The
excess rope will be wrapped around the rope
Running the Cover Over the Pool
Run the cover over the pool being careful to
prevent it from binding in the guide feeds by
lifting the cover and helping it into each track
the first time.
Attaching the Cover & Bonding
At the motor end, attach the tail of the
cover and the bonding wire to the roll-up
tube using 1/2” tek screws (24). Make sure
the webbing continues straight as it travels
from the track to the roll-up tube. Attach
the cover and bonding wire to the roll-up
The first two screws need to be 3” from the
end of the tube. Distribute the slack of the
cover evenly across the length of the tube.
Secure the cover to the roll-up tube using
tek screws every 2-3 ft. When attaching the
cover to the tube, do not use folds or pleats.
Operate the cover 6-10 times to make sure
it is opening and closing squarely.
To help the cover roll up evenly, install a
cover roller (37) 2-3 inches behind the guide
feed. Secure the cover roller to the deck using
the screws (15) and anchors (25) provided.
Attaching the Ropes to the Rope Reel
Loosen the set screw and remove plastic plug
from the rope holder tube. Bring the ropes back
to the mechanism. Attach the ropes to the rope
reel by inserting the ropes through the center of
the rope holding tube and tighten the set screws
firmly into the ropes. Some prefer to tie a knot at
the end of the rope.
If one of the ropes is longer than the other
rope, loosen the set screw that secures the
rope to the rope reel lug. Shorten this rope
until it is the same length as the other
rope. Re-attach the rope to the rope reel.
Step By Step Instructions
Numbers in parenthesis refer to hardware on page 3.
© Latham Pool Products, Inc. 201
. All rights reserved.
Adjusting the Ropes
When closing the cover, if both sides of the
cover don’t close squarely, one of the ropes
may need to be adjusted. To adjust the rope,
open the cover all the way. Pull the excess
rope off the rope reel.
If both ropes are the same length, and the
cover doesn’t close squarely, shorten the
rope for the side of the cover that doesn’t
close all the way. The amount that the rope is
shortened is equal to the amount distance
that the cover needed to travel to close all
the way. While holding the rope, run the
switch in the cover position.