3.3.2 Install a Station---Connecting One Ethernet-Device (as Station)
The 3-in-1 AP can be configured to work as a client mode. To connect with one client, follow these steps:
1. Connect one end of the Ethernet Cable to the Station Adapter and the other to the Ethernet –enabled
2. Connect the power adapter to station adapter’s power jack. The power
and the Ethernet status
should light up.
3. Turn on the Ethernet-enabled device. When the station adapter is associated to the Wireless AP and
Wireless LAN traffic activity, you will see the wireless AN status
lights up.
3.3.3 Install a Station---Connecting Multiple Ethernet-Devices (as Bridge)
The station can be implemented on allowing multi-clients to join a network. To connect with multi-clients, follow
these steps:
1. Connect one end of the Ethernet Cable to the Station Adapter and the other to the hub.
2. Connect the Ethernet Cable between Ethernet-enable devices and the hub.
3. Connect the power adapter to station adapter’s power jack. The power and the Ethernet light should light
4. Connect the power adapter to the hub.
5. Turn on all Ethernet -enable devices. When the station is associated to the
6. Wireless AP and Wireless LAN traffic activity, you will see the wireless LAN status lights up.