Starting up the barbecue
Caution: Do not use the grill in the rain, as this will cause it to be damaged.
If while using the grill it starts to rain, ...
• Close the gas cylinder (turn clockwise)
• Remove both mains plugs
• Allow grill to cool
• when all parts of the grill have cooled down, cover the grill with a canvas cover or put it
beneath a roof.
If hot parts of the grill are covered there exists the danger of fire!
Wash the cooking grill thoroughly before barbecuing using warm soapy water and allow to dry completely. Then apply
cooking oil to the top side of both parts. Doing this will ensure that the food won't stick easily to the cooking grill.
1. Check to ensure that ....
– there are and can be no flammable materials or substances nearby. Minimum distance to flammable materials or
substances: 2 m above and 1m to the side. Distance to flame resistant materials or substances: 0.25 m.
– the barbecue is positioned firmly on a flat, sufficiently large surface area. It must not be moved during operation.
2. Check to ensure that ....
– all flame regulators (A) are set to "OFF".
– the barbecue is fully assembled and has no apparent faults.
– the fixing brakes on both right castors are on.
– all grills are inserted.
– all hoods are open.
– the grease collection tray is filled with approx. 10 mm of absorbent, non-flammable material that can absorb fat,
(such as dry, loose and clean sand). Otherwise the dripping fat may burn. Never use flammable materials such as
sawdust, cat litter or other similar substances.
2. Turn the operating lever (G2) to the 6 o'clock position.
3. Check to make sure that the gas system is leak-proof.
Otherwise, close the cylinder valve immediately (turn
operating lever (G2) to a 3 o'clock position).