RTR12 & RTA12 Series (Serial No. 884764-) Rotary Tillers 311-785M
Land Pride
Important Safety Information
Prepare for Emergencies
Be prepared if a fire starts.
Keep a first aid kit and fire
extinguisher handy.
Keep emergency numbers for
doctor, ambulance, hospital, and
fire department near phone.
Protective Equipment
Wear protective clothing and
equipment appropriate for the job.
Avoid loose fitting clothing.
Prolonged exposure to loud noise
can cause hearing impairment or
hearing loss. Wear suitable
hearing protection such as
earmuffs or earplugs.
Operating equipment safely
requires the full attention of the
operator. Avoid wearing radio
headphones while operating
Avoid High
Pressure Fluids Hazard
Escaping fluid under pressure can
penetrate the skin causing serious
Avoid the hazard by relieving
pressure before disconnecting
hydraulic lines or performing work
on the system.
Make sure all hydraulic fluid
connections are tight and all
hydraulic hoses and lines are in
good condition before applying
pressure to the system.
Use a piece of paper or
cardboard, NOT BODY PARTS, to
check for suspected leaks.
Wear protective gloves and safety
glasses or goggles when working
with hydraulic systems.
If an accident
occurs, see a doctor familiar with
this type of injury immediately.
Any fluid injected into the skin or
eyes must be treated
within a few hours or
gangrene may
These are common practices that may or may not be applicable to the products described in
this manual.
Chemicals Properly
Protective clothing should be
Handle all chemicals with care.
Follow instructions on container
Agricultural chemicals can be
dangerous. Improper use can
seriously injure persons, animals,
plants, soil, and property.
Inhaling smoke from any type of
chemical fire is a serious health
Store or dispose of unused
chemicals as specified by the
chemical manufacturer.
Tire Safety
Tire changing can be dangerous
and should be preformed by
trained personnel using the
correct tools and equipment.
When inflating tires, use a clip-on
chuck and extension hose long
enough to allow you to stand to
one side and NOT in front of or
over the tire assembly. Use a
safety cage if available.
When removing and installing
wheels, use wheel handling
equipment adequate for the
weight involved.
Keep Riders
Off Machinery
Riders obstruct the operator’s
view, they could be struck by
foreign objects or thrown from the
Never allow children to operate