Lampert Werktechnik GmbH
6.10 Fixation welding (if activated in the settings)
The fixation welding menu can be activated from
the settings user level. After activation, the fixation
welding mode appears as a separate user level,
which is accessed by pressing and holding
the multifunctional controller. This mode is used
for workpiece fixation. Connect both of the
workpieces which are to be fixed to an area of bare
metal, using the blue and the black connection
terminal respectively. The shielding gas is
deactivated in this setting. The foot switch is
automatically activated in this menu. When the two parts are touching, the welding process can be triggered,
using the foot switch. The hand piece is not used during this process.
Fixation welding is particularly well suited for metals with low electrical conductivity,
for example titanium or steel.
The required welding power is determined by the strength of the connection desired as well as the workpiece
geometry. The welding time setting is of secondary importance in this mode, and it is therefore not possible
to change the pulse duration.
Once welding has been successfully completed, and before switching to another user
level, please remove the blue connection cable!
6.11 Micro (if activated in the settings)
The micro menu can be activated in the settings
user level. After activation, the micro menu appears
as a separate user level, which can be accessed by
pressing and holding the multifunctional controller.
In micro menu the welding paratmeters can be
adjusted much finer allowing the welding of wires
and sheets with material thickness down to less
than 0.2 mm with even greater control.