3. Maintenance
CO2 Laser Machine © 2018 Laguna Tools 8/27/2018
Mirror Adjustments
Figure C032:
Mirror Assembly Adjustment
Y Knob.
XY Knob.
X Knob.
Tension Mounting Screws.
Figure C032:
Mirror Assembly Adjustment
There are three mirror assemblies on each of the C02 Laser Machines that we sell.
To adjust each mirror, a laser pulse on a marking sample (taped on mirror) must be
done before and after the adjustment (unless equipped with a red-dot beam
combiner). Figure C032 should serve as a guide to where the laser beam should be
directed for clockwise and counter clockwise adjustments.
Focal Lens
Figure C037:
Focal Lens Assembly.
(F) Focal Length. (L) Focal Spacing. (1) Unfocused
Laser Beam. (2) Laser Head Mirror. (3) Head Removal Set. (4) Lens Removal Set. (5)
Focal Lens. (6) Rubber Gasket. (7) Locking Nut. (8) Nozzle. (9) Focusing Beam. (1)
Focused Beam @ Surface.
The laser will enter the head assembly and concentrate via the focal lens. Making
sure that the laser has a correct (F) Focal Spacing, is extremely important to the
quality of the process. This is done automatically via the Automatic Focusing
Focus Focal Sensor.
The pre-installed lens is 20mm in diameter, made of ZnSe through the partical vaper
deposition process (PVD), and has a focal length of 50.8mm. The lens should be
checked often for cleanliness and can be changed for lenses of different purpose.