3. Maintenance
CO2 Laser Machine © 2018 Laguna Tools 8/27/2018
3.2 Maintenance Work
Checking for Alignment
Figure C035:
Checking for Alignment.
Many of the times, an un-aligned mirror is obvious because the laser does not reach
the focal lens or is terminated somewhere other than the work piece - leaving a burn
mark. Other times it is not as obvious because the laser is within the alinement
limits on only certain areas of the work area. It is important to understand how to
check for alignment prior to actually aligning the laser mirrors. In short, if the laser
pulse hits the same spot on final mirror in the (0,0,0) position of the work area - or
vector grid - as it does in the (x-limit, y-limit, z-limit) position, then the mirrors are
properly aligned. All other cases result in improper alignment. In optimal alignment,
those pulses are also in the center of each mirror - useful to the process when the
beam is concentrated at the center of the focal lens (not the edge).
Tools Needed:
Laser Marking Tape, Brain.
1. Disconnect the laser machine from power source.
2. Remove the bottom nozzle and tube (contains the focal lens) of the laser head
assembly by unlocking the height adjust and pulling it completely out.
3. Position the gantry and laser head assembly in the (000) position as shown in
C035. Note that this is the closest path possible for the beam to travel.
4. Tear off a piece of marking tape and place over the exposed tube of the laser
head assembly.
5. Firmly press the edges of the tape that come in contact with the exposed head
assembly tube to leave a circular imprint when removing the tape.
6. Give power to the laser machine, and hit the "pulse command" on the controller.
7. Position the gantry and laser head assembly in the (x-limit, Y-limit) position.
8. Pulse the laser again.
If there are two holes in different locations - then the laser needed to be aligned. The
operator can further diagnose which mirrors need adjustment by only tested the X-
axis limit, or Y-axis limit. To test only X-axis mirror alignment (mirror 2 & 3), start at
(0,0,0) and end at (X-limit,0,0). Similar for testing only Y axis limit.