1K Xmodem software
KIEN5000 and KIEN6000 Industrial Ethernet Switch support to upgrade
software by using 1K Xmodem protocol in console mode. 1K Xmodem work
only in 57600bps mode, so only when you set 57600bps in console mode, can
you download software.
You can update software in the two situations as below:
shift + x” within 5 seconds after it is powered in the console
management interface.
If the system find the failure of software checking in the boot period, it
will get in automatically “1K Xmodem Receiving Model”.
When the system is in “1K Xmodem receiving mode”, you can change bit rate
into 57600bps and select “Transfer”
“Send File”, then input the new
position of the document to be updated, select “1K Xmodem” and send to
start updating the software.
After finish the updating, you need to restart the switch while make sure the
bit rate is set as 9600bps.
Figure2-59 1K Xmodem Update Software