2.9. Maintenance
Aperture Window
To clean the aperture output window use a soft cloth and medical grade isopropyl alcohol.
Cooling Fans
Use compressed air for cleaning the bottom part of the laser system. There are cooling fans located
behind the slots and they are vital for correct operation of the laser system. Please always ensure that
they are spinning freely.
You should perform this service every 2 months if the laser is used regularly or even more often if it is
used in dusty conditions.
Internal Optics
The cleaning of the internal optical components should be performed by an authorised technician only.
Incorrect techniques or wrong choice of chemicals used for cleaning could cause serious damage to the
laser system. Due to the fact that the optical compartment is split and sealed from the rest of the laser
system it shouldn’t be necessary to perform this procedure more often than once a year.
Kvant Lasers s.r.o.
Burstberry - 1
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