Two types of tremolo behavior are available: Mono and Stereo. Mono produces a mono-centered effect
whereas Stereo produces a L/R “ping-pong” style image.
Sets the tremolo speed based on note values: 1/4, 1/8d, 1/4t, 1/8, 1/16d. 1/8t, 1/16, 1/32d, 1/16t, 1/32
(Note: “d” = dotted values; “t” = triplet values). All values are relative to the Preset BPM tempo (as set on
the Zone Edit / Common page).
Controls the range of amplitude modulation. Lower values equal less change; higher values equal larger
swings in volume.
Controls the curvature of the modulation waveform. Lower values generate smoother/subtler (sine
wave) shapes whereas higher values have a sharper, more abrupt character (square wave).
This controls the amount of post FX Bus signal sent to the aux Reverb.
Balance the post FX Bus signal left to right in the stereo field.
This controls the output level of the post FX Bus chain.
Mix is the final tab of the FX Bus and last process in the chain. The Mix settings govern the post FX Bus
(pre Aux FX) sends for the aux Chorus/Delay and aux Reverb as well as Pan and Volume settings.
Chapter 3.
Sound Mode
This controls the amount of post FX Bus signal
sent to the aux Chorus/Delay.