3-6. FX Bus (Zone Insert FX)
The “Dyn” (Dynamics) tab consists of a Compressor, a Distortion and a Bit Crusher.
Dyn (Dynamics)
The Gain parameter amplifies the loudness of the signal post compression.
Threshold determines the minimum level at which compression is applied.
Ratio sets the amount of compression applied to the signal that surpasses the set Threshold.
The Attack parameter controls the time it takes for compression to begin once the signal level surpasses
the threshold.
The Release parameter controls how long it will take for the compression to relax once the signal has
fallen below the threshold.
Input Brightness provides a low-pass filter to the signal feeding into the distortion circuit.
Input Brightness
Output Brightness provides a low-pass filter to the signal following the distortion circuit.
Output Brightness
The Compressor offers adjustments for: Gain,
Threshold, Ratio, Attack, and Release.
There are 6 types of distortion available: Over
drive, Distortion, Fuzz, Fuzz2, Tube, and
Asymmetrical. Each type offers 4 parameter
adjustments: Input Brightness, Drive, Output
Brightness and Output Level.
Chapter 3.
Sound Mode