FXAlgs #724-6, 728: Distortion
Algorithm Reference-94
FXAlgs #724-6, 728: Distortion
FXAlg #724 Ñ Mono Distortion
FXAlg #725 Ñ MonoD Cab
FXAlg #726 Ñ MonoD EQ
FXAlg #728 Ñ StereoEQ
Small distortion algorithms
Allocation Units:
1 for Mono Distortion; 2 for MonoD Cab; 2 for MonoD EQ;
3 for StereoD EQ
Mono Distortion sums its stereo input to mono, performs distortion followed by a hipass filter and sends the result
as centered stereo.
Block diagram of Mono Distortion
MonoD EQ is similar to Mono Distortion except the single hipass filter is replaced with a pair of second-order
hipass/lowpass filters to provide rudimentary speaker cabinet modeling. The hipass and lowpass filters are then
followed by an EQ section with bass and treble shelf filters and two parametric mid filters.
Block diagram of MonoD EQ
StereoD EQ processes the left and right channels separately, though there is only one set of parameters for
both channels. The stereo distortion has only one parametric mid filter.
Block diagram of StereoEQ
L Output
R Output
L Input
R Input
R Input
L Input
R Output
L Output
R Output
L Output
L Input
R Input