KTS-Electronic GmbH & Co. KG
5. KTS-3D Software
The program serves the visualisation of measurement data in colored, 3-dimensional
representation, in particular the display of magnetic field data.
The 3D software is preinstalled on the provided tablet computer. For operating of the
tablet computer please read device’s manual.
Software start-up
Open the software through double-click of
icon KTS-Online (preinstalled on desktop)
5.2 Main window
After start of program the main window appears with the menu bar, the adjustment
segment (left) and the display area (right).
Illustration shows a demo record.
5.3 Toolbar
File menu
The file menu is found in the menu bar with entries for storage and reading of measurement
files. In addition, the program can be closed here.
The program allows the switch to several languages (English, German, French and Spanish).
A display delivers information of the present software version.