When controlling the machine remotely via Remote Mode, make sure to pay attention to the
proper handling of the application.
When using the application, the application may malfunction (image freezing, application or sys-
tem crash, etc.).
If the machine becomes uncontrollable and the vehicle operator is not able to control the ma-
chine via the application, then the mobile device must be moved as far away from the machine as
possible so that the connection between the machine and the application is severed.
The manufacturer is not liable for misuse of the application in case of its use by an unauthorized
The operator is obliged to provide training for drivers/vehicle operators in working with the ap-
plication. The manufacturer is not liable for incorrect use of the application in case of insufficient
training of the operator’s personnel.
Before activating the remote control, make absolutely sure that there are no people or objects
around the machine that could be injured or damaged. The minimum distance from living crea-
tures for operating the machine when using remote controls is 5 m.
Before switching on/using the remote control and when the remote control is already on, you
must be aware at all times that the surface of the mobile phone must be clean and dry and it must
be protected from rain, snow and moisture condensation. In rain, raindrops can cause uncon-
trolled movements of the loader. Should this happen when using the remote control, you must
turn off the application on your phone at once.
10:30 AM
Picture 13 - Combined control mode with locked travel control and with hydraulics-only control option
10:30 AM
Selection of travel speed and hydraulic speed. The vehicle operator can choose at what speed the machine will move
and at what speed the bucket or other attachment will react to steering input. Different speeds may be selected for
hydraulics and for travel respectively. The desired speed is activated by clicking on it. The selected speed is indicated
by a white field.
Button that replaces the control lever inside the machine. It is used to control both travel and hydraulics of the ma-
chine. The machine moves or turns as pulled with your fingers across the screen:
For moving the machine forward, the movement is guided by pulling upwards on both control fields.
For moving the machine backwards, the movement is guided by pulling downwards on both control fields.
For turning the machine to the right or left, the movement is guided upwards on one control field and down-
wards on the other.
Pulling to the right on the right control field raises the boom.
Pulling to the left on the right control field lowers the boom.
Pulling to the right on the left control field tilts the boom upwards.
Pulling to the left on the left control field tilts the boom downwards.
To tilt the bucket (or other attachment), it is necessary to pull to the left on both control fields.
Locking the travel and hydraulic controls.
Picture 12 - Combined control mode with locked hydraulics control and with travel-only control option