2.2.3 Bitcrusher / Sample Rate Reducer
Not only can you use the looper to record loops, it also offers ways to
add spectral folding to sounds running through the effect and achieve
truly unique sounds from outer space! The Sample Rate Reducer knob
decreases the sample rate of the output audio. The higher the SRR
amount is set to, the more aliasing artifacts will appear and thus change
the timbre of the output audio.
The Crush Control pot reduces the number of bits per sample of the loop
and doing so introduces quantization noise to the sound (bitcrushing).
When the Bitcrusher is turned off, the audio signal is 12bit, which is
reminiscent to the early samplers like the SP-1200. The higher the crush
amount, the less bits are assigned. The bit crushing effect can heavily
distort the output audio, bringing its sonic characteristics into harsh,
noisy territories.
2. User Manual