TS_600_00 PW1000 1-3kVA User Manual 6/4/17
This chapter describes the UPS operating and set-up procedures.
The UPS is essentially a ‘plug-and-play’ unit and does not require a trained operator to turn it off and on.
Set-up procedures are included in this chapter to enable you to re-configure the UPS operating parameters to suit
particular local requirements. The factory default settings are satisfactory for the majority of installations, but if you find it
necessary to makes any adjustments this should be done before the UPS is put into service.
UPS Operating procedures
How to start the UPS (from utility mains) - see paragraph 4.2.1
How to start the UPS (from battery) - see paragraph 4.2.2
How the monitor the UPS input/output operating conditions - see paragraph 4.2.3
How to turn off the UPS (from ON INVERTER or ECO Mode) - see paragraph 4.3.1
How to turn off the UPS (from ON BATTERY Mode) - see paragraph 4.3.2
How to disable the alarm buzzer operation - see paragraph 4.5.1
How to perform a battery test - see paragraph 4.5.2
UPS Set-up procedures
Functions menu - see paragraph 4.5.3
Operating parameters setting menu - see paragraph 4.5.4
CAUTION: If adjustment is necessary it should be carried out by an electrically-trained engineer who is aware
of the effects on the system of any changes made.