Technical Information
2000 March Rev. B 8754020
Odor Dissipation
The “wet” chemistry associated with the development of silver halide film creates
strong, unpleasant odors. By eliminating “wet” chemistry, DryView technology
eliminates virtually all of these odors. While some low-level odors are produced
during the development process, they pose no known adverse health risks.
Processing odor levels are further reduced by a non-hazardous, recyclable filter in
DryView Laser Imaging Systems. This filter traps most low-level odors and prevents
them from dissipating into the work environment. To help maintain optimum
performance, the filter requires periodic replacement as specified in the DryView
Laser Imager User’s Manual. Unlike silver halide systems, DryView Laser Imagers
require no special venting.
Heat Dissipation
DryView Laser Imaging Systems use controlled heat to develop DryView Laser
Imaging Films. The heat has virtually no effect on the air temperature of the work
area. The amount of heat dissipated into an area during a day is typically less than
the heat generated by four 100-watt light bulbs.
Film Recycling
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards, DryView Laser
Imaging Film is not considered hazardous – so unlike typical “wet” films, these films
require no special disposal procedures. But they do contain silver and polyester that
may be recovered by using one of several recycling processes.
If you are interested in recycling and silver recovery, Kodak can provide your local
recyclers with the information they need to get started. In some countries, national
contracts have been established with recycling firms. Call your local Kodak sales
representative for more information about these contracts.