2000 March Rev. B 8754020
Removing Film Jams from Area 3
Area 3 includes the exposure platen (see Figure 5-4). Jams in this area occur as film
is entering the platen before exposure, or as film is leaving the platen after
exposure. In rare cases, film may stall in the transport area above the platen.
1. Press the Open Door key on the Local Panel to unlock the front door. (The
status message S25 Crtg Clsng will display, and the imager will close the
cartridge and unlock the front door.)
If the film cartridge does not close, you will have to press and hold the Door
Open key for 5 seconds to unlock the front door. Be aware that when you open
the door, the top sheets of film in the cartridge will be exposed. Before opening
the door, make the room as dark as possible to minimize exposure.
2. Open the front door and clear the jammed film, if it is accessible.
3. If the film is not accessible:
a. Open the platen door by sliding the door latch to the left and pulling out.
b. Clear the film from inside the platen. If film is caught in the feed rollers (see
Figure 5-4), pull the green thumb tab to the right to open the rollers and free
the film.
c. After clearing the jam, close the platen door.
4. Close the front door.
Platen Door
Area 3
Film could jam in
this area also.
Platen Feed
Pull green thumb
tab to the right to
free film jammed
in rollers.
Figure 5-4. Jam Area 3