DryView 8100 Laser Imager User Guide
8754020 2000 March Rev. B
Using the Keypad to Adjust Image Contrast
Do not adjust image contrast if you are not satisfied with image density. If a
density adjustment is required, perform it first before proceeding with the
contrast adjustment described below.
Acquire a typical image for the contrast procedure as follows:
1. Display an image on the appropriate user’s console.
2. Adjust the window and level controls on the console to achieve the desired
image quality on the display monitor.
3. Press the Format Menu key on the Main Menu of the keypad. Then press any
Format Select key on the Format Menu.
4. Press any lighted Store key or the Sequential Store key on the keypad to
acquire the image.
Contrast changes set at the DryView V2 keypad will override any contrast
values set in the Local Panel.
Select and set desired contrast as follows:
1. From the keypad Main Menu, press the Imager Menu key.
2. Press the key labeled Print Contrast Test Film on the Imager Menu (see Figure
The imager will print a contrast print. The image you acquired is printed 15 times
on a single film, using contrast values of 1 through 15, if Image Polarity is Set to
POSITIVE. If Image Polarity is set to NEGATIVE, negative contrast values 1
through 15 are used. The contrast value is printed under each image.
3. Examine the contrast print and choose the most desirable contrast value.
4. Press the Imager Menu key again.
5. Use the Contrast Set keys to scroll to the contrast value you have selected.
Press the Return key to lock in the new contrast value.
The display will show CONTRAST = x, where x is a number from 1 to 15. The
imager will produce prints using positive contrast x, if positive polarity has been
selected via the Imager Polarity key. If negative polarity has been selected, the
contrast value will be negative.