DryView 8100 Laser Imager User
8754020 2000 March Rev. B
10. Open Door Key – Press momentarily to open the front door. The film cartridge
first closes to prevent exposing the film. Then the front door is unlatched.
If a film jam at the cartridge prevents the cartridge from closing, error message
P138 (Press Open 5S) will display. This indicates that you must hold down the
Open Door key for 5 seconds to unlatch the door. Since the film cartridge is
open, when you open the door the top sheets of film will be exposed. To
minimize exposure, you should make the room as dark as possible before
opening the door.
Do not leave the imager unattended after pressing the Open Door Key.
11. Test Print Key – Press this key after you press the Contrast or Density key, to
initiate a test print for examination of contrast or density.
12. Density Key – Press this key to display and change the density setting. Use the
keys to adjust the setting up or down (The density range for blue film is
from 1.7 to 3.1. For clear film it is from 1.7 to 3.0.) Then press the Test Print or
Enter key to apply the new setting. (Do not use this key to change density if your
system includes a DryView V2 keypad.)
If your system includes the DryView V2 keypad, density must be set via the
keypad rather than the Local Panel. The values set at the keypad will override
values entered at the Local Panel.
13. Contrast Key – Press this key to display and change the contrast setting. Use
keys to adjust the setting up or down ( range: -15 to -1 and 1 to 15).
Then press the Test Print or Enter key to apply the new setting.
If your system includes the DryView V2 keypad, contrast must be set via the
keypad rather than the Local Panel. The values set at the keypad will override
values entered at the Local Panel.
Key– Press to move up through item lists or increase a parameter value.
Key – Press to move down through item lists or decrease a parameter value.