Menu Tree B-6
Reference Guide
Color Calib
Print test
prints a test pattern that you can use to make adjustments when
replacing cartridges.
C, M, Y vert
lets you enter the number which corresponds to the best vertical
alignment in the test pattern for the C, M, and Y cartridges.
C, M, Y horiz
lets you enter the number which corresponds to the best horizontal
alignment in the test pattern for C, M, and Y cartridges.
Db Calib
Slow Db test
prints the slow Db test pattern.
Slow Db=
provides access to a further menu in which you can adjust the slow
deadband velocity compensation for each cartridge by +/-2.
Fast Db test
prints the fast deadband test.
C, M, Y, K fast Db=
provides access to a further menu in which you can adjust the slow
deadband velocity compensation for each cartridge from 0 - 19.
Color Db test
provides access to a further menu in which you can print the color
deadband test pattern and set deadband velocity compensation for
each cartridge.
Paper Calib
Calib XY
provides access to a further menu in which you can set this function
On (default)
or Off.
Paper axis test
prints the paper axis test pattern.
Paper axis
provides access to a further menu in which to enter values deter-
mined by examining the paper axis test pattern.
Display Settings
Displays the current printer settings.
Print Settings
Prints the current printer settings.