Printer Setup 1-21
Reference Guide
Remove References to Encad Drivers in AutoCAD's ACAD13.LSP File (for
AutoCAD Windows Release 13 only)
Locate the file acad13.lsp. It is typically in an AutoCAD subdirectory, such as
C:\ACADR13\COM or C:\ACADR13\WIN. Edit the file acad13.lsp and remove any line
which contains a reference to the Encad driver utility wenconfn.exp. For example,
remove the following typical lines:
;;;===load encad...
autoarxload "c:/r13/win/drx/encad/wenconfn"...
To install the ADI driver:
Insert the CD into your CD drive.
Click on
Click on
ADI Driver
The, click on
Install ADI Driver
and follow the on-screen instructions.
Answer the questions about the AutoCAD installation.
• The directory where AutoCAD is installed. This refers to the base or root
AutoCAD directory.
• For AutoCAD release 12 DOS, the default directory name will be C:\ACAD.
• For AutoCAD release 13 DOS or Windows, it will be C:\R13.
• For AutoCAD release 14 it will be C:\Program Files\AutoCAD R14.
• Where the AutoCAD executable file, ACAD.EXE is located. Generally, this file is
in the default AutoCAD directory mentioned above. In the case of AutoCAD R13,
it will reside in the C:\R13\Win or C:\R13\DOS directories.
• Where to install the ENCAD ADI driver. The installation program creates an
ENCAD directory under the DRV directory such as \R13\WIN\DRV\ENCAD and
installs the driver in this directory.
• Where AutoCAD’s “.DCL” files are stored. These files are dialog controls for
AutoCAD commands and drivers. The Encad “.DCL” file needs to be stored with
these files. (AutoCAD 12 and 13 Windows only) Where the ACAD.INI file is