DAD 6.1L/DAD 2.1L/MWD 2.1L user manual V6700, version 3.2
Further Measures
Install the maintenance software (service tool).
Save device information and send to manufacturer.
Inform the Technical Support of KNAUER.
System Messages
If other system messages are displayed besides those listed below, please
turn the device off and then on. Inform the Technical Support of the manu-
facturer in case the system message repeats itself.
The system messages are in alphabetical order:
Baseline noise
1. Inspect the flow-cell assembly.
2. Exchange the defective flow cell.
3. Inspect the service life of the lamp on the display.
4. Reduce the air in the flow cell by using a degasser.
The relationship of the sig-
nal to the light path refer-
ence is very low
1. Flush the flow cell.
2. Replace the lamps
Low UV light
Clean fiber optic ends with alcohol and cotton bud.
System Message
Problem and Solution
“Cannot initialize
Check cables and connections in local area net-
“Cannot proceed:
D2 lamp heating”
Manual validation is not possible while lamp is
heating up. Wait until deuterium lamp has initial-
ized and continue afterwards.
“Cannot proceed:
D2 lamp off”
Manual validation is not possible while lamp is
switched off. Switch the lamp on. In case the error
shows again, restart the device.
In case no improvement shows, replace the lamp.
“Cannot proceed:
Low light”
Validation failed because of exceeded integration
time. The operating time of the lamp has been
exceeded. Replace the deuterium lamp.
Flow cell is dirty. Clean the flow cell.
Error state of the optical system. Inform the Tech-
nical Support of KNAUER.
Timeout: Connecting error RS-232 (5 s), leak sen-
sor (0,5 s) or any hardware component (lamp
power connection, EPROM, I2C with GUI).
“D2 lamp failed”
Manual validation is not possible without deute-
rium lamp.
”D2 lamp operation
Restart the device. If the error occurs again,
replace the lamp.
”D2 lamp does not
Switch off lamp and turn on again. In case the sys-
tem message repeats itself, inform the Technical
Support of KNAUER . The lamp unit has to be
No lamp ignition when starting the device or the
manual validation.