DAD 6.1L/DAD 2.1L/MWD 2.1L user manual V6700, version 3.2
Device is positioned in the correct location.
The power plug has been connected.
If the device is part of an HPLC system, you should also note the following:
The network connection to the router is established
The chromatography software has been installed by KNAUER or a com-
pany authorized by KNAUER.
A flow cell was inserted.
The capillaries have been connected.
Switch On
Installation has been completed.
A clean flow cell was inserted.
Device defect
Changes of the environmental temperature cause condensation inside the
Allow device to acclimate for 3 h, before connecting to power supply and
taking into operation.
The detector starts its self-validation. If the self-validation has been success-
fully completed, the LEDs on the right and in the center light up green.
Next Steps
Bring the detector into service.
There are several options for controlling the device:
with chromatography software
with Control Unit
with Mobile Control
It is not possible to use 2 control methods simultaneously. If the
device is connected to the software, it cannot be controlled via Control Unit
or Mobile Control. The device status can however be monitored.
Operating with Chromatography Software
To control the device with software, you have to establish a connection
between the LAN port and a computer.
Software Versions
Devices can be controlled with
Mobile Control Chrom version 3.0.1 or higher
OpenLAB EZChrom edition version A.01.05/A.04.05 or higher or Clarity-
Chrom version 5.0.3 or higher (DAD 6.1L) or version 5.0.5 or higher
(DAD 2.1L, MWD 2.1L).
PurityChrom version 93 or higher
Chromeleon versions 6.8 SR13 and 7.2
1. On the rear of the device, plug
the power cable into the power
2. Plug in the power supply.
3. On the rear of the device, switch
on the detector using the power
Fig. 20
power switch with female
connector at the rear panel