GSM SMS Alarm & Dialer
GSM SOS Call System!
G S M A l a r m S y s t e m .
SMS Command List
Functions & Actions
Very Important!
Please fill the
Schedule at Page
20 before
programming it.
To arm the K2, in this mode, any detector triggered will alarm.
To disarm the K2, in this mode, detector triggered will not alarm.
To switch ON the Siren output.
To switch OFF the Siren output
Inquiry the K2 Status and GSM Module IMEI Code.
*The commands should plus Password, the format is PSMS Command. i.e.: if the password is 1234, then
you can send
to arm,
to disarm, the AA~EE must be Caps Lock.
This handbook has been designed as a guide to the installation and operation of K2 GSM Alarm&Dialer.
Statements contained in the handbook are general guidelines only and in no way are designed to supersede the
instructions contained with other products.
We recommend that the advice of a registered electrician be sought before any Installation work commences.
The manufacturer, its employees and distributors, accept no liability for any loss or damage including consequential
damage due to reliance on any material contained in this handbook.
The manufacturer, its employees and distributors, accept no liability for GSM Network upgrading or SIMCard
upgrading due to the technology specifications contained in this handbook.
1.Brief introduction --------------------------------------3
2.Safety Directions --------------------------------------3
3.Standard Packing list ---------------------------------4
4.Mainly Features ----------------------------------------4
5.Installation and Connection Diagram -----------5
5.1 Inserting the SIMCard -----------------------------5
5.2 Contacting the Siren, hooter
5.3 Contacting the AC/DC Power Supply-----------6
5.4 Switching on/off the K2 ----------------------------6
5.5 Amounting the K2 -----------------------------------6
6.1Setup New Password------------------------------7
6.2Setup Authorized number-------------------------7
6.3Inquiry the Authorized number-------------------8
6.4Remove the Authorized Number----------------8
6.5Modify the SMS Alarm Content------------------8
6.6Inquiry the SMS Alarm Content Setting--------8
6.7Setup the Zone Attribute --------------------------8
6.8Inquiry the Zone Attribute--------------------------9
6.9Setup the Siren Sound time-----------------------9
6.10Setup the Alarm Delay Time--------------------9
6.11Setup the Arm Delay Time---------------------10
6.12Enable to Alert the first Authorized Number ---10
6.13Required the K2 callback------------------------------10
6.14Setup External Power Status Alert Feature-------10
6.15Setup Siren Response Feature ---------------------10
6.16Setup Automatically report Status function--------11
6.17Reset the K2 Panel to Factory Default--------------11
7. Zone Settings---------------------------------------------------11
8.Operating Instructions --------------------------------------15
8.1Operation by Remote Controls-------------------------16
8.2Armed or Stay WITH a FREE call --------------------16
8.3SMS Commands for Arm or Disarm or Switch
On /Off Siren. ----------------------------------------------17
8.4Inquiry Status and GSM Module IMEI Code--------17
8.5Android Apps Instructions-------------------------------18
8.Technical specifications-------------------------------------18
9. Maintenance----------------------------------------------------18
10.Warranty --------------------------------------------------------18
11.Affix Table------------------------------------------------------18
Table 1. K2 Panel Installation Schedule-------------------19
Table 2. K2 Panel SMS Command List---------------------20