GSM SMS Alarm & Dialer
GSM SOS Call System!
G S M A l a r m S y s t e m .
13. When alarm occurrence and in the delay alarm time, the buzzer will alert by
“DiDi” sounds, once
the delay timeout the buzzer will stop to sound.
14. Reset the K2 will alert by a 2seconds
“Di” sound by the buzzer.
15. After you
reset or learning remote control or wireless sensors,
please remember to
otherwise, can not work proplerly.
16. The SMS commands that you will certainly use in the GSM Alarm & Dialer K2 are the following:
6.1 Setup New Password
if successful, the unit will return:
new password,This is the New Password, please remember it
The password is 4digits.
For example, the original password is 1234, you want change it to 6666, then you can send the command
6.2 Setup Authorized number
(If you GSM Operator use different number format for SMS and Dial out,
then please see Notice 6, must setup as includes country code and not includes country code two
Serial Number
= 1~6.
is the identification character of this command.
Function 1 Code
=1,2,3. It is for alarm receiving attribute setting.
=1 stands for when alarm occurrence, the K2 will dial as well as send SMS to this number.(The SMS
Number Format must be the Same as the Dial Number Format, include or not includes Country code.)
=2 stands for when alarm occurrence, the K2
only send alarm SMS to this number, doesn’t dial.
=3 stands for when alarm occurrence, the K2
only dial this number, doesn’t sends SMS.
Function 2 Code
=1,2,3. It is for accessing K2 attribute setting.
=1 stands for when this number dial to the K2, will be rejected after the first ring, meanwhile, the K2 will be
changed to Stay Mode and not return SMS. This is very useful when the user come back home or office to
change the K2 to Stay mode with a FREE call from its mobile phone! When the user leave the home or
store or office, dial the K2 again, the K2 will be changed to away armed mode and return SMS:
ensure the armed operation is successful.
When any number with this value call in the K2, the K2 will change from Stay to Armed or Armed to Stay, if the K2 in
Disarmed mode, then the first time call in will change theK2 to Stay mode.
=2 stands for when this number dial to the K2, will be picked up automatically and create 2-way voice
communication mode.
=3 stands for this number cannot access the K2 by dial in, will be hang up. Nor listen neither change to
Stay or Arm Mode.
Telephone Number
: authorized number, max. 18 characters,
E.g.: if you want to setup 13512345678 as the third authorized number, and the password is 1234, country
code is 0086, when alarm occurrence this number can receive both SMS and incoming from the K2, when
dial to the K2 from this number, can change the K2 to Stay or Armed mode. Then you can send
to the K2. Will return:
Pwd+Serial A+Function 1 Code+#+Function 2 code+#+Telephone #