Socket Communication
Input buffer request
In communication with a controller using a TCP or UDP socket, the PAV can receive com-
mands continuously. The commands are processed one by one. To prevent the PAV internal
processing from overloading, design the controller so that it not only sends commands but
also queries from time to time to wait for responses from the PAV.
An acknowledge from the PAV signifies that the processing of all commands have been com-
pleted successfully.
Message terminator
When sending multiple SCPI commands through a TCP socket, the socket driver concate-
nates all messages in a single long packet. As such, add a terminator at the end of each
SCPI command.
Using TCP sockets
TCP sockets are the most common type of sockets. It can be used to establish communica-
tion, check received messages, and detect and correct transmission errors. To send SCPI
commands, set the TCP socket port number to 8003.
A terminator consisting of a line feed and carriage return is appended automatically to
responses to queries.
If the LAN controller is set to Multiple clients from the webpage (set Controller Access on the
Modify page on the Configure tab of the LAN page to Multiple Clients)
, up to three con-
trollers can open TCP sockets on the corresponding PAV.
Using UDP sockets
UDP sockets are a simple type of socket with reduced network information. It is a connection-
less protocol, which does not return acknowledges to received messages. To send SCPI
commands, set the UDP socket port number to 8005.
A terminator consisting of a line feed and carriage return is appended automatically to
responses to queries.
Before opening the UDP socket, open the webpage, and set Controller Access on the Modify
page on the Configure tab of the LAN page to Multiple Clients
Up to three controllers can open UDP sockets on the corresponding PAV.
When using a socket, keep the number of SCPI instruction commands from exceeding 20 for
every query.
Terminator (ASCII hexadecimal notation)
Commands from the controller
Terminators are required.
• Line feed (0x0A)
• Carriage return (0x0D)
Responses from the PAV LAN
Line feed (0x0A) and carriage return (0x0D) are